
Performance Reviews

Give your employees performance reviews that are enjoyable and fair, powered by 360 Degree Feedback from their own peers.

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More Perspectives are Better

Traditional performance reviews, which typically rely solely on managerial feedback, can lead to employee dissatisfaction and distrust. That’s where a multi-rater based process creates a better experience.

  • Multi-rater feedback, also known as 360-degree feedback, gathers input from various sources for a more comprehensive evaluation.
  • Incorporate feedback from peers, subordinates, and even external stakeholders.
  • Provide a more well-rounded view of an individual’s performance, strengths, and areas of improvement.
  • Improve perceptions of objectivity and fairness by those being evaluated.

Gain In-depth Insights with Easy-to-Understand Competencies and Comprehensive Reports

Our 360-degree performance review process combines two proven assessment techniques. First, we measure precise competencies instead of asking for open-ended feedback that may be irrelevant and difficult to measure or understand. Second, instead of subjective evaluation, which is often difficult to describe and can be biased, raters are simply asked to share how often they observe key behaviors. This approach creates more reliable and statistically valid feedback. In addition, we create impactful reports that highlight key insights and help drive meaningful conversations between managers and employees.

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360 reports section in Spectiv software platform

Benefits of Performance Reviews with 360-degree Feedback

360-degree feedback performance reviews offer several advantages:

  • Provide a broader perspective than traditional managerial feedback evaluations. Help highlight all aspects of an employee’s contributions.
  • Uncover a wider range of factors contributing to employee effectiveness.
  • A focus on collaboration and interpersonal skills as core competencies in the modern workplace.
  • Perceived as less biased compared to single individual evaluations.
  • Add structure and rigor to your performance reviews for a more comprehensive appraisal.
  • Can be easily implemented in organizations already using 360-degree feedback for leadership development initiatives.

Key Considerations for 360-Degree Feedback

When using 360-degree feedback for performance reviews, keep these points in mind:

  • Differentiate Between Appraisal and Development: These two aspects require unique approaches.
  • Address ‘What’ and ‘How’: Effective performance appraisals cover both ‘what’ and ‘how.’
  • Communicate Objectives Early: Share your performance review goals before you start.
  • Leverage our Expert Guidance: With years of experience, we’ve developed tools and workflows to help you implement best practices.
employees reviewing performance together around a chalkboard

Design a Better Performance Review Process with DecisionWise

Partner with us to develop a success-driven, competency-based culture. Utilize our state-of-the-art software tools and validated assessments to drive performance and improve employee growth and development.

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