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Providing Engaging People Coaching to your executives, key influencers, and high potentials is one of the most effective ways to increase employee engagement across the organization.

Benefits of Engaging People Coaching

  • Amplifying personal engagement and productivity
  • Facilitating the engagement and productivity of others
  • Enhancing executive presence
  • Increasing influence on others to achieve positive outcomes
  • Effectively managing conflict and emotions
  • Adapting personal style appropriately
  • Handling difficult or highly sensitive situations
  • Communicating more effectively
  • Building internal and external relationships
  • Bridging past successes and future behaviors

360-Degree Feedback Coaching Options

DecisionWise provides a variety of coaching options to help participants interpret their 360-degree feedback, create a personal development plan, and improve their performance.

We can provide coaching directly to participants or train internal facilitators to coach others on their results. DecisionWise coaching is provided to participants in English.


The 360-orientation web meeting provides participants and raters an opportunity to understand the 360-degree feedback experience. During this 30-minute web meeting, 360 participants or raters will be prepared for the survey process. We will outline the 360 process, explain who will see the results and how they will be used, and answer any questions from participants. The survey, sample report, and action planner will be reviewed during the meeting.

360 Individual Results Debrief

Each participant will meet one-on-one with a DecisionWise certified consultant. This personal debrief of the 360 will help participants gain an increased understanding of the confidentially provided feedback and distinguish between their perceptions and the perceptions of others. The consultant will guide the participant in applying the information to close the competency and behavioral gaps. These sessions generally last 1 hour and are conducted via telephone. During the session participants will:

  • Understand their feedback and distinguish the differences in perceptions
  • Gain deeper personal awareness and perspective on personal impact
  • Focus on natural strengths, talents, and skills, as well as potential “derailers”
  • Identify gaps in perceptions

360 Group Coaching Workshop

A DecisionWise executive coach will conduct a group workshop to help participants understand their feedback and begin to create action plans. The group session lasts about two hours for up to 15 participants.

The workshop agenda is as follows:

  • Understanding Feedback, Interpreting the Report
  • Understanding Strengths, Derailers, Gaps
  • How to create Development Plans

360 Individual Coaching Session and Development Plan Creation

Each participant will meet one-on-one with a DecisionWise ICF certified coach

to receive a personal coaching session on their feedback. This 2-hour coaching experience puts the participant’s development goals at the center of the coaching conversation. With a forward-looking approach, the coach will leverage the survey data to focus on the participants strengths and development goals. The participant assumes greater ownership of the development experience as the coach guides them through their thoughts, feelings, and actions. The support network of mentors, peers, and associates will provide support, consistency and accountability during the development process. These sessions generally last 2 hours and can be conducted via telephone or onsite.

During the session participants will:

  • Understand their feedback and distinguish the differences in perceptions
  • Gain deeper personal awareness and perspective on personal impact
  • Focus on natural strengths, talents, and skills, as well as potential “derailers”
  • Create and involve a support network of mentors, peers, and
  • Construct a development plan for the next 6 months
  • Identify structure, support, and accountability for implementing the development plan

Engaged People Coaching Options

DecisionWise provides a variety of coaching options to increase participants’ engagement and amplify their influence on the engagement of others. Coaching is critical to help participants properly understand their influence on the engagement levels of their team and organization. Participants will find their coaching experiences are thought provoking and lead to sustainable behavior change. All coaching sessions are conducted by an ICF certified, executive coach.

Development Accelerator

The DecisionWise Development Accelerator experience is designed to provide comprehensive coaching in a 100-day period. This experience is designed to help participants learn behaviors and competencies that will build individual engagement and strengthen their team and organization. Influential business leaders will incorporate real-life and business experiences into this individualized learning experience. This forward-looking approach will put the participant’s development goals at the center of the experience, while creating a sustainable network of mentors, peers, and associates for long-term success.

The coaching experience will identify strengths, increase awareness, and drive sustained personal engagement. Each participant will work one-on-one with a DecisionWise Certified Executive Coach to receive a personal coaching experience. These sessions can be conducted via telephone or onsite.

The experience consists of 9 scheduled meetings with phone and email access as necessary. During the experience participants will:

  • Complete the DecisionWise 360-degree Feedback or Engaging People Assessments
  • Gain deeper personal awareness and perspective on personal impact
  • Focus on natural strengths, talents, and skills, as well as potential “derailers”
  • Identify 1-2 observable goals, which will be the focus of the 100-day coaching
  • Co-create a support network for the participant of those who consistently observe the behaviors the participant would like to improve.
  • Executive Coach will train the support network on peer coaching
  • Participate in coaching sessions twice a month for three months. The coach will help the participant maintain momentum, overcome managerial obstacles, experiment with new behaviors, brainstorm new approaches, evaluate development opportunities, and integrate new learnings
  • Complete up to 1 additional psychometric The executive coach will select the assessments based upon the participants individual need. Assessments may include personality profiles, emotional intelligence, or conflict styles.
  • Participate in a sustainability coaching session where they will reflect on lessons learned, and create a development plan for continued development
  • Receive and review the executive coach summary report and recommendation

Transformational Coaching

The DecisionWise Transformational Coaching experience is designed to provide comprehensive coaching in a six-month period. This transformational experience is designed to help participants learn behaviors and competencies that will build individual engagement and strengthen their team and organization. Influential business leaders will incorporate real-life and business experiences into this individualized learning experience.

This forward-looking approach will put the participant’s development goals at the center of the experience, while creating a sustainable network of mentors, peers, and associates for long-term success. The coaching experience will identify strengths, increase awareness, and drive sustained personal engagement. Each participant will work one-on-one with a DecisionWise Certified Executive Coach to receive a personal coaching experience. These sessions can be conducted via telephone or onsite.

The experience consists of 2 scheduled meetings a month with phone and email access as necessary. These sessions can be conducted onsite or over the telephone. During the comprehensive experience participants will participate in 4 phases:

1.     Intake and Assessment

This foundational coaching phase will examine the participants current strengths and management challenges, as well as personal and organizational goals. The participant will complete a comprehensive client questionnaire that will facilitate much of the discussion. During the intake session the executive coach with will:

  • Discuss the participant’s perception of strengths they bring to the organization and identify areas for perceived development
  • Help the client envision greater success through goal achievement
  • Examine the participants values, strengths, interests, and motivating forces
  • Identify and participate in multi-rater assessments: 360-degree feedback, 360-degree qualitative assessment, Engaging People
  • Identify and participate in psychometric assessments: Personality Profile, Conflict Style, Emotional Intelligence, Critical Thinking

2.     Goal Setting

During this phase the executive coach will assist the participant in creating a measurable action plan and create a support network of individuals who frequently observe the behaviors the participant would like to improve.

  • Action Planning: The coach and the participant will set specific, measurable goals, based upon the participants aspirations and the organization’s needs
  • Support Network: The coach will assist the participant in creating a support network of individuals who consistently observe the behaviors the participant would like to The coach and participant will meet with the support network to discuss goals, desired outcomes, and expectations of the support network.

3.     Transformational Coaching

During this phase the participant executes the development plan with support from the executive coach. The participant and the coach will meet up to two hours per month via telephone, in-person, or a combination of the two along with ad-hoc interactions via phone or email as necessary. The coach will help the participant maintain momentum, overcome managerial obstacles, experiment with new behaviors, brainstorm new approaches, evaluate developmental opportunities and integrate new learnings. The following elements may be addressed during the transformational coaching phase:

  • Effectively manage interactions with others to achieve positive outcomes
  • Adapt personal style appropriate to the situation
  • Effectively manage conflict and emotions
  • Enhance executive presence
  • Influence and improve collaboration with others in the organization
  • Build cross-functional relationships
  • Communicate more effectively with internal and external parties
  • Handle difficult or highly sensitive situations
  • Demonstrate leadership and judgment
  • Bridge past successes and future behaviors

4.     Sustainability

During the last phase the executive coach will perform targeted follow-up interviews with the support network to assess the participants success against the development plan. Following the assessment, the coach will assist the participant in creating an ongoing personal development plan.

  • Targeted follow-up interviews with support network
  • Recognize participants successes
  • Identify any developmental issues requiring future attention
  • Executive coach will prepare a synthesized anonymous report with feedback and observations from the support
  • Executive coach will review the report with the participant
  • Participant and executive coach will create a sustainability plan for ongoing personal development.

Additional Services:

  • 6 month extension (1 coaching session per month)
  • Additional assessments
  • Meetings with managers or executive teams