In the world of human resources, employee exit surveys have emerged as a critical tool for organizations to glean valuable insights from departing employees. These surveys are not just a formality; they are a strategic instrument that can significantly impact an organization’s growth and culture.

Getting the Exit Right: The Importance of Employee Exit Surveys

Employee shaking hands after exit survey and interview

It’s important to understand why capturing feedback effectively before employees exit is so crucial. When an employee decides to leave an organization, they carry with them a wealth of information about their experiences, perceptions, and reasons for leaving. This information is invaluable for organizations to identify areas of improvement.

This article will delve into the importance of employee exit surveys, the role of the “Peak-End Heuristic” in this process, and key considerations for selecting the right vendor.


Measuring and Creating an Intentional Culture

Date: Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Time: 1:00 pm Eastern | 10:00 am Pacific

Organization culture is something we build, the employee experience is what we measure, and employee engagement is our reward. Creating an intentional culture requires measuring perceptions of the current culture and how it aligns with the desired culture. During this session, we will:

  • Review the components of culture and how it relates to strategy, values, and engagement
  • Describe the five steps to measure organization culture
  • Outline the action steps to take to create an organization culture that drives organization success

Interpreting your 360 Feedback Results

employee reviewing 360-degree feedback report

360-degree feedback results are an invaluable tool that offers leaders a holistic view of their performance and leadership style from various perspectives. However, deciphering these results can be a complex task.

This guide aims to help you provide you with practical tips on how to effectively interpret your 360-degree feedback assessment results.

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