Selecting raters is one of the most important parts of the 360 degree feedback process.  If you don’t select enough, the feedback will not be as comprehensive and valid.  Too many, and the feedback becomes diluted.

360 Degree Feedback Rater Selection Instructions

The number of raters will vary based on job responsibilities and the frequency of interaction with 360 degree feedback participants.  We recommend selecting between 7 to 15 raters total. It is important that each rater can provide relevant and accurate feedback to the survey questions.

In selecting raters keep in mind the following guidelines:

  1. Raters should be selected based on their working relationship with the participant.
  2. Raters should know the participant’s work and have frequent interactions.
  3. Avoid raters that are known only through casual interactions, brief meetings, or a one-time, short-term project or presentation.
  4. Include a balanced set of raters that can provide objective feedback, both positive and critical.
  5. Confirm the rater selection with the participant’s immediate manager.
  6. A rater may decline to provide information if they have not had sufficient interaction with the participant during the year.
  7. All rater feedback except that from the participant’s immediate manager will be reported as a group. No individual responses will be identified in the report.
  8. If only one rater responds from a rater group, their responses will be combined with another group to maintain anonymity.

360 Degree Feedback Rater Groups

All 360 degree feedback raters will be assigned to one of the following rater groups:

  • Self: The participant.
  • Supervisor: The participant’s immediate supervisor.  If the supervisor changed in the past three months, we recommend inviting the previous supervisor to participate as well.
  • Direct Report: Include all direct reports who have been working under the participant’s supervision for at least 3 months.
  • Peer: Choose three to five peers that work with the participant on a regular basis.
  • Other (optional for internal or external clients, etc.)

Looking for a 360 feedback platform? Try out Spectiv, our new easy-to-use tool.

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