Maximize your employees’ success by combining their 360 Degree Feedback with 360 Coaching. Studies strongly show that participants who receive some form of coaching with their 360 Degree report perform far better than those who receive little or no guidance (i.e., all they get is a report).
One-on-One Coaching Sessions
- Typically, a 360-degree feedback coaching session is a one-on-one meeting (virtual or in-person) with a trained coach that lasts approximately 60-90 minutes. The result is an employee who better understands their feedback. Also, employees will have started a personal development plan that they can use as roadmap for development or as discussion tool to solicit additional feedback.Coaching is invaluable as it helps motivate an employee to engage in those much-needed discussions with coworkers and supervisors.

Fully Manage the Coaching Process
- Our platform has taken the work out of using coaches, whether internal or external. Our automated workflows handle the following:
- Manage a team of external or internal coaches with the ability to gather reviews and participant evaluations of coaches.
- Assign and set coach availability.
- Automated delivery of reports 24 hours before a coaching session.
- Calendaring between participants and coaches with full functionality that makes it easy to set and manage appointments.